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时间:2018-12-11 10:19




(c) The liabilities of the Concession Company as described in Clause(d) shall not be taken into account in determining whether any of the limits on liability set out in Clause(a) and (b) have been reached.

(d) The limits on liability set out in Clause (a) and (b) shall not apply to:

(i) any liability of the Concession Company in respect of personal injury and death;

(ii) any liability of the Concession Company arising out of any fraud or wilful default or gross negligence by the Concession Company;

(iii) any payment of statutory interest and legal costs awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction or arbitral tribunal against the Concession Company; and

(iv) any liability of the Concession Company to pay the relevant Purchase Price to the Master Developer to the extent that the Purchase Price is a negative figure.


2) Master Developer Limitation of Liability

(a) The Master Developer’s aggregate liability to the Concession Company pursuant to or under this Agreement over the Construction Period shall not exceed USDXXX.

(b) The Master Developer’s aggregate liability to the Concession Company pursuant to or under this Agreement over the Operating Period shall not exceed USDXXX.

(c) The liabilities of the Master Developer as described in Clause (d) shall not be taken into account in determining whether any of the limits on liability set out in Clause (a) and (b) have been reached.

(d) The limits on liability set out in Clause (a) and (b) shall not apply to:

(i) any liability of the Master Developer in respect of personal injury and death;

(ii) any liability of the Master Developer arising out of any fraud or wilful default or gross negligence by Master Developer;

(iii) any payment of statutory interest and legal costs awarded by a court of competent jurisdiction or arbitral tribunal against the Master Developer;

(iv) any liability of the Master Developer to pay the relevant Purchase Price to the Concession Company; and

(v) any liability of the Master Developer for any costs and expenses incurred by the Concession Company to implement a Confirmed Master Developer Variation.


3)Consequential Loss

Neither party shall be liable to the other party under or in connection with this Agreement in contract, tort, warranty, indemnity, strict liability, other legal theory or otherwise for any special, consequential, or punitive damages or indirect losses, costs or expenses or loss of actual or anticipated profits (whether direct or indirect), loss of production, loss of use, loss of business, loss of revenue, lost opportunities (including opportunities to enter into or complete arrangements with third parties), a failure to realise anticipated savings, loss of goodwill or loss of reputation …….


笔者认为,责任限度(LIABILITY LIMIT)条款实际就是一个由下向上“传导”的条款,由承包商传导到项目公司,项目公司再传导到项目发起人(采购人),该条款对各方来讲是多赢的。








这不是最复杂的,假设特许经营协议仅是由于项目公司自身的原因而终止,在EPC承包合同项下这种终止是由于雇主便利而终止还是雇主违约而终止?社会资本A和工程公司B反反复复讨论多次,其最大的区别就是终止补偿的内容是有差别的。另外,按照黄皮书的规定,有Tests on Completion 和Tests After Completion,社会资本A和工程公司B的工作界面是哪一个?



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