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United states consensus code Development

论文类型 基础研究 发表日期 2005-12-01
作者 佚名
关键词 Uniform Plumbing Code Uniform Mechanical Code
摘要 United states consensus code Development Uniform Plumbing Code? (UPC) Uniform Mechanical Code?(UMC) A Presentation By:GP Russ Chaney 1 APMO Executive Director May 17,20

United states consensus code Development
Uniform Plumbing Code? (UPC)
Uniform Mechanical Code?(UMC)

A Presentation By:GP Russ Chaney
1 APMO Executive Director May 17,2001/4/13 Shanghai, PR of China

A brief History of IAPMO

1926 Founded in Los Angeles, California, USA, as a non profit private sector organization
1928 First Plumbing Code published in the USA
1978 Accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
1999 IAPMO & NFPA join together to develop the USA‘s first family of consensus codes utilizing the ANSI Consensus Development Procedures
2003 NFPA & IAPMO release the first family of consensus codes for the built environment

The True Consensus Code Development Process--A Voice and a Vote

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) defines consensus by three criteria:
1. Due Process--allows for equity and fair play
2. Openness--membership is open to anyone
3. Balance--membership is not dominated by one group

The ANSI consensus code development process ensures that all materially affected interests have the right to vote.

Consensus System Definitions

Due process--Requires a process which provides for an independent right of appeal. Procedures must be fair and clear.
Openness--Provides that any interested party have the ability to participate by having the right to vote.
Balance--Not more that 1/3 of the committee participants can come from any one industry sector.
Consensus--Means general agreement, not unanimity.

Important Organizations, Committees & Councils

Organizations, Committees & Councils

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)--ANSI is recognized worldwide as the USA representative to numerous international organization such as ISO/IEC, COPANT, and APEC. ANSI does not develop or maintain standards. ANSI accredits private sector organizations to develop consensus standards in accordance with designated procedures. NASI works closely with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, a Federal Government Agency.

Organizations, Committees & Councils (Continued.......)

NFPA Standards Council--A balanced council appointed by the NFPA Board of Directors. The Council is responsible for ensuring compliance with all ANSI procedures. The Council is hears appeals to the NFPA code development procedures. The council hears appeals to the NFPA code development procedures. The council is the second level of appeal in the IAPMO Code development process. The Council is also the actual issuer of all NFPA consensus standards bearing the ANSI accreditation.

Organizations, Committees & Councils (Continued.......)

IAPMO Standards Council is responsible for ensuring compliance with the ANSI consensus code development procedures. The IAPMO Council is the first level of appeal in the procedural hierarchy. The IAPMO Council is the actual issuer of all IAPMO consensus standards bearing the ANSI accreditation provided all procedures have been met.

Organizations, Committees & Councils (Continued......)

IAPMO UPC/UMC Technical Committees—Balanced Committees appointed by the IAPMO Standards Council. These committees function in accordance with the ANSI accredited consensus procedures maintained by the IAPMO Standards council. The IAPMO Technical Committees are responsible for developing and maintaining the technical content of the UPC & UMC. Membership on these committees is open to all industry sectors desiring to serve.

Industry Participation is Unlimited

Inspectors Home Builders Contractors Architects Manufacturers Labor Unions Suppliers Engineers/Designers Academia Local Government Consumers Utility Companies Test Laboratories Research institutes Federal Agencies Building Owners

Consensus is reached when all sectors participate and vote!

Organizational partners

National Fire protection Association (NFPA) United Association (UA) Mechanical Contractors Association of America (MCAA) Plumbing Heating Cooling Contractors National Association (PHCC-NA) American Society of Sanitary Engineering(ASSE)

UPC & UMC Technical Committee Categories

1.Enforcing Authority
3.Special Expert
8.Applied Research/Testing Laboratory

ANSI Accredited Organizations

IAPMO‘s Consensus Codes & Support Publications

Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC)
Uniform Mechanical Code (UMC)
Uniform Solar Energy Code (USEC)
Uniform Swimming Pool, Spa and Hot Tub Code (HSPSHTC)
Illustrated Training Manual
Code Interpretations Manual
UPC & UMC Code Change Guides
a1234 Series of ANSI Accredited standards

In 2003, The Family of Harmonized Consensus Codes
Life safety Code-NFPA
Uniform Plumbing Code-IAPMO
National Electrical Code-NFPA
Uniform Mechanical Code-IAPMO
Uniform Fire Code-NFPA
Uniform Solar Energy Code-IAPMO
Building Code-NFPA

A Sampling of IAPMO/NFPA Support Codes & Standards

Uniform Solar Energy Code-IAPMO
Nation Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54) -NFPA
Uniform swimming pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code-IAPMO

A Sampling of IAPMO/ NFPA Support Codes & Standards

Unifrom Solar Energy Code-IAPMO
Nation Fuel Gas Code (NFPA 54) -NFPA
Uniform swimming pool, Spa & Hot Tub Code- IAPMO

A Sampling of IAPMO/NFPA Support Codes & Standards( continued......)

Medical Gas Standard (NFPA 99) -NFPA
Plastic Plumbing Fixture Standards (IAPMO Z124)-IAPMO
National Propane Gas Code (NFPA58)-NFPA
Series of Installation Standards-IAPMO

The Code Development Process

IAPMO Support Services & Publications

Code interpretations Manual continuously updated
Worldwide toll free code interpretations
Code update seminars
lllustrated Training Manual (ITM)
Codes available in multiple languages; English; Spanish; Vietnamese;rabic
Plumbing & Mechanical inspector certification programs
Turn-key performance based codes containing prescriptive requirements

USA National(Federal)Law

  • Public Law(PL) 104-113, signed into law in 1995, requires Federal Government Agencies to adopt and utilize voluntary consensus codes and standards
  • Each State is permitted to select and utilize the codes or standards they desire
  • Codes are developed and maintained by private sector model code developing organizations
  • The UPC & UMC are the most widely adopted Codes in the United States

Code Adoption

By Statute—Legislation proposed and adopted requiring the use of a particular code;
1. At the National level
2. At the state level
3. At the jurisdictional level

By Regulation——Codes are adopted by reference through rules and/or regulations;
1. At the national level
2. At the state level
3. At the jurisdictional level

An international Commitment

  • International Code Adoptions:
    Saudi Arabian Kingdoms
    US Virgin lslands(Future)
    British Virgin lslands (Future)
    PR of China (Future consideration)
    Indonesia (Future consideration)
  • IAPMO Offices Worldwide
  • North America
    At the National level
    At the State level
    At the jurisdictional level
  • South America
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
  • Europe
    Brussels, Belgium
  • Asia
    Beijing, china


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Building C, Fangun Apartment

Nansanhuan East Road
Fengtai Distict, Beijing
PR of China 10078
Email:[email protected]


world Headquarters
Walnut, California USA
tELEPHONE 001(909)595-8449






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