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Analysis of Circumstance Influence Factors on HMBR for Waste-water Reclamation in Dwelling District

论文类型 基础研究 发表日期 2003-02-01
来源 东华大学学报:英文版
作者 常颖,汪永辉,薛罡,郭美芳,王宝贞
关键词 环境影响因素分析,HMBR分析,废水处理,废水回收,生活污水,生物处理
摘要 Circumstance influence factors on Hybrid Membrane Bio-Reactor (HMBR) process for the wastewater reclamation in dwelling district was analyzed. The main clmructeristic of this process is that sludge and nitrified effluent can be recycled automatically, wlf




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