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Study on the relationship between the decomposition rate of ozone and the removal rate of MTBE in catalytic ozonation

论文类型 基础研究 发表日期 2010-04-01
来源 黑龙江大学自然科学学报
作者 WANG,Qun,,YANG,Y,i,,,ZHA,I,Xue
关键词 cata lytic ozona tion, methy l ter-t bu tyl ether; ozone decomposition; cer ium d iox ide
摘要 Th is work investigated the re la tionship between the decomposition rate o f ozone and theremova l rate o fMTBE w ith in a continuous reactor. The effects of d ifferen t residence time, in it ia l ozonedose and d ifferent cata lysts on ozone decompos




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