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Three main types of bottled waters

论文类型 基础研究 发表日期 2005-12-01
作者 佚名
摘要 Three main types of bottled waters "Natural Mineral Water (NMW)" is a statutory name for a specific type of water. A NMW must be officially recognised through a local authority

Three main types of bottled waters

"Natural Mineral Water (NMW)" is a statutory name for a specific type of water. A NMW must be officially recognised through a local authority after a qualifying period of two years, during which time it is repeatedly analysed. It must also be registered with the Food Standards Agency. It must come from a specified ground water source which is protected from all kinds of pollution. The water may not be treated in any way to alter its original chemical and microbiological composition. In addition NMWs must provide certain information on their labels such as the typical mineral analysis.

"Spring Water (SW)" is a statutory name for water which comes from a single non-polluted ground water source. Unlike NMW there is no formal recognition process required although it must still be registered with the local authority. Many NMWs begin their lives as Spring Waters trading as such during the two year testing period. Unlike NMWs, Spring Waters may undergo permitted treatments but like NMWs must meet microbiological criteria. All Spring Waters must comply with the Drinking Water Regulations.

Table Water (TW) is the trade name applied to other bottled drinking waters. It applies to water which may come from more than one source and may include the public water supply. Treatment is permitted which results in the water achieving the compositional/microbiological requirements of the regulations. Some companies may also add mineral salts to their waters to replace those minerals lost during treatments or to enhance those which already exist.






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