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Principal, Method and Current Status of Public Awareness Edu

论文类型 政策与市场 发表日期 1999-09-01
来源 21th Century Urban Water Management in China
作者 Guo,Zhentong
摘要 Public Awareness campaign is, through certain methods, to let public accept one products or one activities proposed by designer. Therefore, public awareness campaign is the combination education and public relation. From the perspective of education, educ

Principal, Method and Current Status of Public Awareness Education for Water Industry

Guo Zhentong
(Urban Water Resources Center of MOC)


Public Awareness campaign is, through certain methods, to let public accept one products or one activities proposed by designer. Therefore, public awareness campaign is the combination education and public relation. From the perspective of education, education for anything must resorts to certain teaching methods to make student understand the internal characteristic of the matter. While from point of public relation, the campaign for one activities or one products is to let public understand it and then to support or to buy it through certain methods.

It is clear that public awareness campaign can be classified as kindergarten education, primary and middle school education, high school education and public awareness campaign.

The report is divided 4 chapters. The major contents of each chapter is as follows:

- Chapter 1 gives the principle and methods of public awareness campaign. It mainly explains how to grasp the awareness characteristics of kindergarten, elementary school pupil, middle school student, high school student, how to carry out education activities for kindergarten, elementary school pupil, middle school student, high school student. For adult, it suggests the advertisement methods can be used for public awareness campaign such as investigation, advertisement media (TV, newspaper, direct mail, radio, magazine, poster, mail dropper) and amusement activities. Also it detail discusses the advantage and disadvantages of advertisement media.

- Chapter 2 illustrates the general methods of public awareness campaign for water industry. It mainly discusses the water industry education for kindergarten, elementary school pupil, middle school student, high school student and adult.

- Chapter 3 analyses the situation of public awareness campaign.

- Last, it gives some example for water industry education activities.

The major findings is as follows:

1. The principle of education of kindergarten for science and technology is:

- To develop the pupil to primarily understand the attitude, virtue and value of science and technology, to let pupil feel the interesting of activities of science and technology and to stimuli the curiosity and craving for knowledge of pupil. Then, to make pupil know the role of science and technology in society.
- To teach the superfluous knowledge of science and technology around pupil, to let pupil acquire widespreading and superfluous knowledge of science and technology and direct experience.

2. The principle of education of primary school for science and technology is:

- To promote pupil to form the attitude, virtue and value of science and technology. Through all kinds methods of education and scientific and technological activities, pupil understand that the science is not myth and know that the science and technology is playing more important role in our daily life along with development of science and technology.
- To primarily grasp the basic knowledge, skills and methods of daily life and social activities.

3. The principle of education of middle school for science and technology is:

- To help student to build the attitude, virtue, and value of science and technology.
- To teach systematically student knowledge, skills and methods of science and technology, to train student to form the capability of exploring science and technology.

4. The principle of education of high school for science and technology is:

- To let student pay attention the combination of application and theory to grasp the methods and skills to carry out science and technology research.
- To guide student to form the custom of scientific behavior to adapt himself for intensive study or employment.

5. The principle of public education and campaign is not like the pupil and student since public is busy in doing work.

Public awareness campaign must resort to the methods from public relation such as investigation, advertisement media (TV, newspaper, direct mail, radio, magazine, poster, mail dropper) and amusement activities.

6. General public awareness campaign methods is as follows:

1) For pupil and student, it is suggested that following activities be employed:

- Visit water plant and wastewater treatment plant and investigate operation of water plant and wastewater treatment in-situ to get knowledge of the process.
- Acquire the knowledge of water and the function in daily life
- Participate the interesting activities to get knowledge from the activities
- Design and performance the play about water, and then to teach their parent.
- Do and make small scale experiment.

2) For adult, the advertisement method is employed.




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