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Enhancing excess sludge aerobic digestion with low intensity ultrasound

论文类型 技术与工程 发表日期 2014-10-14
来源 《中南工业大学学报:英文版》2006年第13卷第4期
作者 丁文川,李懂学,曾晓岚,龙腾锐
关键词 低强度超声 剩余污泥 需氧消化 动力学 废水处理
摘要 In order to enhance the efficiency of aerobic digestion , the excess sludge was irradiated by low intensity ult rasound at a f requency of 28 kHz and acoustic intensity of 0.53W/cm2 . The results show that the sludge stabilization without ultrasonic treat




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